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Tiger at the gates [London, Apollo Theatre] - jun. 1955.

Por: / de Giraudoux, Jean
Language: English Descrição: il, p/b 1 programa(s) em inglêsTipo de conteúdo: Dossiê Outro título: La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu [Outro título] Assunto(s): Barbara Jefford Andromache, wife to Hector | Catherine Lacey Hecuba, mother to Hector | Christopher Rhodes Ajax, a greek captain | Coral Fairweather Servant | Diane Cilento Helen | Duncan Lewis Abneos, a Senator | Frederick Farley Mathematician | Henry Milton Senator | Howard Loxton Sailoer | John Laurie Demokos, a poet, leader of the Senate | June Rodney Laudress | Leo Ciceri Paris, brother to Hector | Leueen MacGrath Cassandra, sister to Hector | Margaret McCourt Plyxene, young sister to Hector | Mary Holland Servant | Michael Redgrave Hector | Nicholas Hannen Priam, King of Troy, father to Hector | Norman Rossington Olpides, sailoer on Paris's ship | Patrick Horgan Messenger | Peter Kerr Troilus, young brother to Hector | Robert Shaw A topman, officer on Paris's ship | Walter Fitzgerald Ulysses | Wyndham Goldie Busiris, a lawyer | TEATRO
Créditos de produçãoDireção: Harold Clurman ; Tradução: Christopher Fry ; Produção: Robert L. Joseph ; Produção: Stephen Mitchell ; Cenografia: Loudon Sainthill ; Figurino: Loudon Sainthill ; Maquiagem: Leichner ; Música: Lennox Berkeley ; Pintura de cenário: Alick Johnston ; Execução de cenário: Brunskil ; Execução de cenário: Loveda ; Execução de figurino: M. Berma ; Som: Stagesoun ; Equipamentos elétricos: Strand Electric & Engineerin ; Sapatos: Wig Creation
Elenco: Barbara Jefford [Andromache, wife to Hector] ; Catherine Lacey [Hecuba, mother to Hector] ; Christopher Rhodes [Ajax, a greek captain] ; Coral Fairweather [Servant] ; Diane Cilento [Helen] ; Duncan Lewis [Abneos, a Senator] ; Frederick Farley [Mathematician] ; Henry Milton [Senator] ; Howard Loxton [Sailoer] ; John Laurie [Demokos, a poet, leader of the Senate] ; June Rodney [Laudress] ; Leo Ciceri [Paris, brother to Hector] ; Leueen MacGrath [Cassandra, sister to Hector] ; Margaret McCourt [Plyxene, young sister to Hector] ; Mary Holland [Servant] ; Michael Redgrave [Hector] ; Nicholas Hannen [Priam, King of Troy, father to Hector] ; Norman Rossington [Olpides, sailoer on Paris's ship] ; Patrick Horgan [Messenger] ; Peter Kerr [Troilus, young brother to Hector] ; Robert Shaw [A topman, officer on Paris's ship] ; Walter Fitzgerald [Ulysses] ; Wyndham Goldie [Busiris, a lawyer]
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