Donald of the burthens - 1950-1952. - Dec. 1951-1952. [London, Royal Opera House [London, Royal Opera House] - 1 programa(s) em inglês il, p/b

Grupo/Companhia: Royal Ballet ; Libretto: Leonide Massine ; Cenografia: Robert Colquhoun ; Cenografia: Robert MacBryde ; Figurino: Robert Colquhoun ; Figurino: Robert MacBryde ; Coreografia: Leonide Massine ; Música: Ian Whyte ; Músicos: The Covent Garden Orchestra Grupo/Companhia: Royal Ballet ; Libretto: Leonide Massine ; Cenografia: Robert Colquhoun ; Cenografia: Robert MacBryde ; Figurino: Robert Colquhoun ; Figurino: Robert MacBryde ; Coreografia: Leonide Massine ; Música: Ian Whyte ; Músicos: The Covent Garden Orchestra

Alexander Grant [Donald] ; Beryl Grey [Death] ; Dotothea Zaymes, Pauline Clayden, Jill Gregory, Anne Heaton [Country dance] ; Julia Farron [The mother] ; Leslie Edwards [The king] ; Ray Powell, Henry Legerton, Franklin White [The three goat men]

Alexander Grant Donald
Beryl Grey Death
Dotothea Zaymes, Pauline Clayden, Jill Gregory, Anne Heaton Country dance
Julia Farron The mother
Leslie Edwards The king
Ray Powell, Henry Legerton, Franklin White The three goat men