/ de Shakespeare, William.

The merchant of Venice - s.d. = O mercador de Veneza [London, The Old Vic Theatre] - 1 programa(s) em inglês

Direção: Hugh Hunt ; Cenografia: Roger Furse ; Figurino: Roger Furse ; Música: Christopher Whelen Direção: Hugh Hunt ; Cenografia: Roger Furse ; Figurino: Roger Furse ; Música: Christopher Whelen

Alan Dobie ; Barbara Grimes ; Bernard Kilby ; Bruce Sharman ; Claire Bloom [Jessica] ; Daniel Thorndike [The Duke of Venice] ; Denis Raymond ; Douglas Campbell [Antonio] ; Douglas Rain ; Eric Thompson [Balthasar] ; George Murcell [The Prince of Marocco] ; Irene Worth~sPortia ; James Maxwell [Stephano] ; Jane Wenham [Nerissa] ; Joan Plowricht ; John Breslin [Leonardo] ; John Warner [The Prince of Arragon] ; Kenneth Connor [Launcelot Gobbo] ; Lloyd Reckord ; Newton Blick [Old Gobbo] ; Patrick Wymark [Salanio] ; Paul Rogers [Shylock] ; Phyllida Law ; Richard Gale [Lorenzo] ; Robert Urquhart [Bassanio] ; Tony van Bridge [Salerio] ; William Squire [Gratiano] ; Wolfe Morris [Tubal]

Alan Dobie
Barbara Grimes
Bernard Kilby
Bruce Sharman
Claire Bloom Jessica
Daniel Thorndike The Duke of Venice
Denis Raymond
Douglas Campbell Antonio
Douglas Rain
Eric Thompson Balthasar
George Murcell The Prince of Marocco
Irene Worth~sPortia
James Maxwell Stephano
Jane Wenham Nerissa
Joan Plowricht
John Breslin Leonardo
John Warner The Prince of Arragon
Kenneth Connor Launcelot Gobbo
Lloyd Reckord
Newton Blick Old Gobbo
Patrick Wymark Salanio
Paul Rogers Shylock
Phyllida Law
Richard Gale Lorenzo
Robert Urquhart Bassanio
Tony van Bridge Salerio
William Squire Gratiano
Wolfe Morris Tubal