Souvenir of Hamlet / 1939.
A tragédia de Hamlet Um certo Hamlet Mensageiro da agonia, Hamlet Hamlet, príncipe da Dinamarca Hamlet, ensaio aberto Hamlet a bordo Hamlet Ham-let
de William Shakespeare. [London, The Lyceum Theatre] -
- 1 programa em inglês il. [p/b]
Motley [cenografia] ; George Devine [iluminação] ; Leichner [maquiagem] ; Herbert Menges [música] ; Herbert Menges [regência] ; Alick Johnston [pintura do cenário] ; Bernard Gordon e Edward Dudgeo [estagiário] ; Gabriel Toyne [lutas] ; Gustave [cabelos] ; John Brunskil [execução do cenário] ; Suria Magito [mime play arranged] ; Winifred Burch [programa] Motley [cenografia] ; George Devine [iluminação] ; Leichner [maquiagem] ; Herbert Menges [música] ; Herbert Menges [regência] ; Alick Johnston [pintura do cenário] ; Bernard Gordon e Edward Dudgeo [estagiário] ; Gabriel Toyne [lutas] ; Gustave [cabelos] ; John Brunskil [execução do cenário] ; Suria Magito [mime play arranged] ; Winifred Burch [programa]
Pardoe Woodman [Francisco ; Reynaldo ; Apriest] ; Richard George [Bernardo ; Acaptain] ; John Robinson [Marcellus] ; Glen Byam Shaw [Horatio] ; Jack Hawkins [Ghost ; Claudius] ; Harry Andrews [Laertes] ; George Howe [Polonius] ; John Gielgud [Hamlet] ; Andrew Gruickshank [Rosencrantz] ; William Gates [Guildenstern] ; Marius Goring [First player] ; Peter Whitehead [Second player ; Agentleman] ; Hereward Russell [Third player ; Second clown] ; John Robinson [Fortinbras] ; Frank Tickle [First clown] ; Marius Goring [Osric] ; Laura Cowie [Gertrude] ; Fay Compton [Ophelia] ; Barbara Dillon, Genevieve Jessel, Jane Henderson, Merula Salaman [Ladies to the queen] ; Fleteher Lightfoot ; Leslie Crossley ; Alfred Hearne ; Robert Moore ; Noel Willman ; Alan Blair ; Juan du Vinage ; Nveille Wyatt [Player] ; Ian Henderson [Player] ; Kingston Trollope [Player] ; Laurie Devine [Player] ; [Soldiers] ; [Guards]
Blair, Alan 1915-1991
Hearne, Alfred 19??-
Cruickshank, Andrew [Rosencrantz] 1907-1988
Dillon, Barbara [Lady to the queen] 19??-
Compton, Fay [Ophelia] 1894-1978
Lightfoot, Fleteher 1883-1969
Tickle, Frank [First clown] 1893-1955
Jessel, Genevieve [Lady of the queen] 1917-1942
Howe, George [Polonius] 1900-1986
Shaw, Glen Byam [Horatio] 1904-1986
Andrews, Harry [Laertes] 1911-1989
Russell, Hereward [Second clown ; Third player] 19??-
Henderson, Ian [Player] 19??-
Hawkins, Jack [Claudius ; Ghost] 1910-1973
Henderson, Jane [Lady of the queen] 1925-1960
Gielgud, John [Hamlet] 1904-2000
Robinson, John [Fortinbras ; Marcellus] 1908-1979
Vinage, Juan du 19??-
Trollope, Kingston [Player] 19??-
Cowie, Laura [Gertrude] 1892-1969
Devine, Laurie [Player] 19??-
Crossley, Leslie 19??-
Goring, Marius [First player] 1912-1988
Goring, Marius [Osric] 1912-1988
Salaman, Merula [Lady of the queen] 1914-2000
Willman, Noel 1918-1988
Wyatt, Nveille [Player] 19??-
Woodman, Pardoe [Apriest] 1891-1940
Woodman, Pardoe [Francisco ; Reynaldo] 1891-1940
Whitehead, Peter [Agentleman ; Second player] 19??-
George, Richard [Acaptain ; Bernardo] 1898-1960
Moore, Robert 19??-
Gates, William [Guildenstern] 19??-
Motley [cenografia] ; George Devine [iluminação] ; Leichner [maquiagem] ; Herbert Menges [música] ; Herbert Menges [regência] ; Alick Johnston [pintura do cenário] ; Bernard Gordon e Edward Dudgeo [estagiário] ; Gabriel Toyne [lutas] ; Gustave [cabelos] ; John Brunskil [execução do cenário] ; Suria Magito [mime play arranged] ; Winifred Burch [programa] Motley [cenografia] ; George Devine [iluminação] ; Leichner [maquiagem] ; Herbert Menges [música] ; Herbert Menges [regência] ; Alick Johnston [pintura do cenário] ; Bernard Gordon e Edward Dudgeo [estagiário] ; Gabriel Toyne [lutas] ; Gustave [cabelos] ; John Brunskil [execução do cenário] ; Suria Magito [mime play arranged] ; Winifred Burch [programa]
Pardoe Woodman [Francisco ; Reynaldo ; Apriest] ; Richard George [Bernardo ; Acaptain] ; John Robinson [Marcellus] ; Glen Byam Shaw [Horatio] ; Jack Hawkins [Ghost ; Claudius] ; Harry Andrews [Laertes] ; George Howe [Polonius] ; John Gielgud [Hamlet] ; Andrew Gruickshank [Rosencrantz] ; William Gates [Guildenstern] ; Marius Goring [First player] ; Peter Whitehead [Second player ; Agentleman] ; Hereward Russell [Third player ; Second clown] ; John Robinson [Fortinbras] ; Frank Tickle [First clown] ; Marius Goring [Osric] ; Laura Cowie [Gertrude] ; Fay Compton [Ophelia] ; Barbara Dillon, Genevieve Jessel, Jane Henderson, Merula Salaman [Ladies to the queen] ; Fleteher Lightfoot ; Leslie Crossley ; Alfred Hearne ; Robert Moore ; Noel Willman ; Alan Blair ; Juan du Vinage ; Nveille Wyatt [Player] ; Ian Henderson [Player] ; Kingston Trollope [Player] ; Laurie Devine [Player] ; [Soldiers] ; [Guards]
Blair, Alan 1915-1991
Hearne, Alfred 19??-
Cruickshank, Andrew [Rosencrantz] 1907-1988
Dillon, Barbara [Lady to the queen] 19??-
Compton, Fay [Ophelia] 1894-1978
Lightfoot, Fleteher 1883-1969
Tickle, Frank [First clown] 1893-1955
Jessel, Genevieve [Lady of the queen] 1917-1942
Howe, George [Polonius] 1900-1986
Shaw, Glen Byam [Horatio] 1904-1986
Andrews, Harry [Laertes] 1911-1989
Russell, Hereward [Second clown ; Third player] 19??-
Henderson, Ian [Player] 19??-
Hawkins, Jack [Claudius ; Ghost] 1910-1973
Henderson, Jane [Lady of the queen] 1925-1960
Gielgud, John [Hamlet] 1904-2000
Robinson, John [Fortinbras ; Marcellus] 1908-1979
Vinage, Juan du 19??-
Trollope, Kingston [Player] 19??-
Cowie, Laura [Gertrude] 1892-1969
Devine, Laurie [Player] 19??-
Crossley, Leslie 19??-
Goring, Marius [First player] 1912-1988
Goring, Marius [Osric] 1912-1988
Salaman, Merula [Lady of the queen] 1914-2000
Willman, Noel 1918-1988
Wyatt, Nveille [Player] 19??-
Woodman, Pardoe [Apriest] 1891-1940
Woodman, Pardoe [Francisco ; Reynaldo] 1891-1940
Whitehead, Peter [Agentleman ; Second player] 19??-
George, Richard [Acaptain ; Bernardo] 1898-1960
Moore, Robert 19??-
Gates, William [Guildenstern] 19??-